Linux 3D!

Resources: Links to other 3D related sites and information

Linux Links:
Linux Applications: "If you cany find it here, you wont find it anywhere!"
Freshmeat: fresh penguin meat. Mmmm.  Software hot off the presses.
Slashdot: "News for nerds  Stuff that matters!"  Up to the minute linux news.
Linux Games: The latest news in the Linux gaming world.
Linux Documentation Project: A virtual library of Linux information.
Linux Weekly News: Keeping you up to date on whats new with Linux.
LinuxHQ: The latest Kernel info.
Linux Gazette: The online linux magazine.
Linux World: "Putting Linux to work" Articles, news, everything.

Corporate and Product Links:
GigaPixel Corporation: Provides high performance rendering solutions, and does development under Linux/GCC.
VA  Research: Makers of high end Linux workstations.
3DFX Interactive: Provides high performance 3D graphic chip sets (VooDoo series) to oem's.
SGI: Drool over those killer workstations!

Other Graphic Programs and Utilities:
Texture Library: povray's texture library homepage
Mesa: A 3D library that closely follows the OpenGL specification. Programs which require OpenGL libraries or include files can use Mesa instead. You need this.
The Gimp: Everyone's favorite Graphic Manipulation Program.
XV: Viewer and Converter of every image format known to mankind.
GPWeb: A GPL VRML Web browser.
VectaPort: 3D Vehicle simulation server.

Graphic and 3D Related Sites:
Linux SGI:  This site hosted by SGI is about running Linux on SGI machines.
Synthese d'images sous Linux:  This French site has some info on 3D under Linux.
POVRAY Benchmark: Use povray to render several images and compare your machine against others!
The Ray Tracing Homepage: Exactly that - it's a homepage for ray-tracing.  Has many links too.
WebPovRay: An online povray rendering service.  Submit your scene files, then pick up the rendered image!
Scientific Applications on Linux: Contains some 3D intensive scientific packages.
Linux 3D: Same name, but this site focuses on hardware accelerated 3D graphics under Linux.
The G Zone: About Linux and Graphics
Buying an Old SGI system FAQ: Talks about what to look for when looking to buy a REAL workstation.

[Graphics by Gimp][Powered by Mesa]

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